Thursday 17 March 2011

IBM - Do Business, Get Social - Get Social Roadshows - UK and Eire

Being able to connect with the right people and build the right relationships to expand your business network can create strategic advantage for you and your company. Being able to "see" more information, data, patterns and trends, makes this collaboration even more useful. Today, a business that relies on these highly interconnected networks, inside and outside of their traditional organisation, stands out. We call this Social Business.

IBM are announcing a series of events around the UK and Ireland

18 April Warwick
4 May Edinburgh
10 May Dublin
18 May London

Want to know more ? Visit this link.

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Visual Studio Code - Wow 🙀

Why did I not know that I can merely hit [cmd] [p]  to bring up a search box allowing me to search my project e.g. a repo cloned from GitHub...