Sunday 24 August 2014

IBM BPM 8.5.5 - Unpacking the Repository

So I'm scripting up an IBM Business Process Manager Advanced 8.5.5 installation, and needed to unpack the products, including IBM HTTP Server and the WebSphere Plugin: -

mkdir /tmp/Repository
mkdir /tmp/Repository/BPM/
mkdir /tmp/Repository/BPM/Product
cd /tmp/Repository/BPM/Product
for i in /root/SWGRepo/BPM/Product/*.tar.gz; do tar xvzf $i; done

mkdir /tmp/Repository/BPM/Fixes
cd /tmp/Repository/BPM/Fixes
for i in /root/SWGRepo/BPM/Fixes/*.zip; do unzip $i -d `echo $i | sed 's/\/root\/SWGRepo\/BPM\/Fixes\///g' | sed 's/.zip//g'`; done

mkdir /tmp/Repository/WAS
mkdir /tmp/Repository/WAS/Product
mkdir /tmp/Repository/WAS/Product/Supplements
cd /tmp/Repository/WAS/Product/Supplements
for i in /root/SWGRepo/WAS/Product/Supplements/*.zip; do unzip $i; done

mkdir /tmp/Repository/WAS/Fixes/Supplements
cd /tmp/Repository/WAS/Fixes/Supplements
for i in /root/SWGRepo/WAS/Fixes/Supplements/*.zip; do unzip $i; done

As you can tell, I love my FOR loops :-)

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Visual Studio Code - Wow 🙀

Why did I not know that I can merely hit [cmd] [p]  to bring up a search box allowing me to search my project e.g. a repo cloned from GitHub...